The Best Anti-Aging Remedy


There is an all-natural anti-aging remedy that will keep you looking young, give you energy and improve your vitality into your old age.  The remedy is exercise!  Today I want to show you WHY exercise is the best anti-aging treatment you can find.

Aging at the Muscular level

During our 30s we achieve our peak muscle mass.  In our late 30s we begin to gradually lose our muscle mass at a rate of 0.5-1% annually.  This age-related loss of muscle mass, strength and function is known as sarcopenia.  It results in weakness, loss of endurance and a reduction in our metabolism.

The primary treatment for sarcopenia is exercise, specifically strength training using weights or resistance bands.  As we age we also produce less growth hormone, which is responsible for the development of muscle tissue.   According to ACE (American Council on Exercise), moderate-to-vigourous intensity of training is most effective for stimulating the hormone responsible for muscle growth.  Low-or-moderate intensity exercise (such as walking) is not as effective.

High-intensity resistance training increases strength and muscle mass and maintains youthful levels of energy and a more youthful appearance. 

High-intensity resistance training, also referred to as Metabolic Strength Conditioning, challenges the entire body through timed intervals with minimal rest.  High-intensity resistance training could sound daunting to anyone who hasn’t exercised.  But we need to make a note that this style of training is relative.  The key is the level of challenge that the individual is experiencing with the resistance training.  On the Perceived Exertion Chart we want to aim for a level 8 with H.I.I.T training.  Squatting up and down from a chair without stopping for 10 reps could be high-intensity for a non-active senior. 

Aging at the DNA level

DNA has areas at the ends called telomeres.  With every cell division, these telomeres are shortened and eventually become too short for the cell to divide further.  This point is called senescence.  When multiple cells in a tissue become senescent, it no longer functions properly and the tissue ages.  Ultimately, telomere length indicates cellular aging. 

Stephen Roth from the University of Maryland studies exercise and telomeres.  He says that “researchers now accept telomere length as a reliable marker of cell age.  The shorter the telomere, the functionally older and more tired the cell.”

A study done in Germany by Dr. Christian Werner, an internal-medicine resident at Saarland University Clinic in Homburg, showed some very interesting results.  When tested, the  sedentary older subjects had telomeres that were on average 40 percent shorter than in the sedentary young subjects.  This seems logical as the older subject’s cell where getting older just as they were.  But, when examining the telomeres of runners, the older subjects were only 10 percent shorter than the young runners!!

The research at Saarland University found that telomere loss was reduced by approximately 75 percent in the aging runners. According to Dr. Werner “exercise at the molecular level has an anti-aging effect.’’

In order to keep your muscles strong and your cells young, you need to exercise.  Evidence continually points to High Intensity Training as the most effective way to exercise.  The great thing about Hiit Training is that it’s quick so you can squeeze it in to your busy schedule.   It’s never too late to start.  

As Jim Rohn says “Take care of your body.  It’s the only place you have to live.”

11 Unique Benefits of Yoga


Exercise is truly a “magic pill” for optimal wellness but there are unique benefits of yoga that you will not achieve in other forms of fitness!!  These benefits will show the importance of yoga and how it will improve your physical well-being and increase your longevity. 

Here is a list of the exclusive benefits of yoga:

#1 Improved Balance

Our bodies move in different directions all day.  We move forward, backward and side to side.  We twist and rotate.  To improve our balance we need to move through all these planes of motion.  Traditional exercises usually utilize one plane of motion (think bicep curls or push ups).  You may have a Fitness Trainer that is taking you through multi-planar exercises (if you are my client – we are doing multi-planar movements in our H.I.I.T. Training).   Yoga is one of the BEST ways to incorporate multi-planar activity.   Yoga poses will allow your body to move in all 3 planes: sagittal, frontal and transverse and will improve your ability to balance.

Studies with stroke survivors have proven that yoga positively impacts balance.  Arlene Schmid, PhD, a rehabilitation research scientist at the Roudebush VA Medical Center  says “Yoga improves balance because it’s complex—it includes the mind and the body, and helps to coordinate movements.”   Our mind and body work together to perform multi-planar movements.

#2 Improved Flexibility

There are 5 components to fitness.  These 5 things together measure your fitness.  They are cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Flexibility is often overlooked and under-rated.  Our flexibility WILL decrease as we age.  It is part of the aging process.  If you are not actively engaging in activities that improve your flexibility you are only going to become less flexible.  As the saying goes “use it or lose it”.

Not being flexible is usually the excuse people use for why they do not do yoga when that is the very reason why you SHOULD participate in yoga.  Yoga poses stretch your muscle fibres and increase your range of motion.  With consistency you can become more flexible at any age!

#3 Improved Digestion 

Yoga has many poses that involve twisting.  This type of movement activates our digestive system and improves function.  You could say it’s like giving your gastrointestinal tract a massage.  Many people suffering from IBS and other digestive disorders have found natural relief through yoga.

#4 Increased Body Awareness

One of the great benefits of yoga is that your body learns positions and postures that you may have never tried before.  You begin to notice your limitations and imbalances.  Maybe you can twist more to the left; maybe you can lift your leg higher on the right.  The poses allow you to see where your weakness are; where you need to improve and which muscles are tight.  It lets you understand your own body.

#5 Improved Lung Capacity

Most of us are guilty of inefficient breathing.  We “chest breathe” by filling only the top of our lungs.  This leads to a lack of oxygen in our blood vessels which can create a strain on our heart and lungs.  This type of breathing also contributes to our feeling of stress and our fight-or-flight response.  Learning how to breathe properly allows you to connect your mind and body, be more mindful and present, and initiate your parasympathetic nervous system (see more below).

#6 Decrease in cortisol levels and Improved adrenal function

We live in a world of non-stop stress.  We are constantly bombarded by an overwhelming load of information and electronic alerts.  We have deadlines and duties that are set to repeat everyday.  It’s hard to feel refreshed or rested when we have no “real” relaxation time.  Our bodies are stressed out and overloaded with cortisol because our adrenal glands (which secrete cortisol) are on overdrive.

Here is where yoga (unlike most forms of exercise) can give you the relaxation you need.  When we step on our yoga mats we focus on our breath.  We take slow, deep breaths instead of quick, shallow breaths.  This allows our bodies to transition to our parasympathetic nervous system.  It tells our bodies we are no longer in a fight-or-flight state.  We can actually rest.  We can feel the restoration and calm wash over our bodies. 

beginner's mind photo

Are you ready to get started on your yoga journey.  Receive the free Beginner’s Guide to Yoga & Meditation.  Learn yoga poses and yogic breathing in just 2 minutes a day!

Yes! I want the Guide!


#7 Improved Spinal Health and Posture

We sit for extended periods of time on our computers.  We slump forward while driving or watching tv.  We hunch over our cell phones and iPads.  It results in terrible posture.   Yoga helps us do the opposite.  We learn to open our heart centres.  We learn to pull our shoulders away from our ears.  We stand tall with dynamic tension engaging our postural muscles.  During yoga classes we are taught proper alignment and positioning.  Yoga gives us a heightened awareness of proper posture and spinal alignment.  In addition it strengthens our postural muscles.

#8 Improved Pelvic Floor Function

For women this is critical.  Anyone who has given birth can relate to a little “pee-leakage”.  This is not an uncommon problem.  Exercising our pelvic floor is so important but often forgotten. 

Yogis understand “Root Lock” which is called “Mula Bandha” in Sanskrit.  This is our pelvic floor.   These muscles are essential for certain postures like Bridge pose.  Yogis learn how to engage these muscles. Aging and childbirth both bring strain and dysfunction to our pelvic floor muscles.  Body awareness and learning how to engage these muscles are taught in yoga classes and helps improve their function.

#9 Improved Circulation with Inversions

Let me start by saying that I am not encouraging you to try doing handstands.  Often people can injure themselves by trying to do too much too fast.  Doing headstands and handstands is so enticing and sexy.  It’s all over Instagram!  You must be careful though and do them correctly.  Inversions are beneficial because they provide the brain with more oxygen and blood.  This increases mental functioning, and improves concentration, memory, and processing abilities.  But, let’s face it.  Inversions are not for everyone.

I suggest starting out with something much simpler but equally beneficial.  There are terrific benefits with “legs up the wall” pose.  Studies have shown that holding legs up the wall pose for 10 slow yogi breaths is as rejuvenating as a 20 minute nap!  This is a simple pose that anyone can do.  It encourages blood flow back to your brain.  It is rebalancing and re-energizing.

#10 Improved Immune Function though the Lymphatic System

Our lymphatic system has many roles, one of which is to remove waste and toxins and maintain our immunity.  The lymphatic system has no pump and relies solely on muscular contractions, body movements and breathing.  Though the twisting, rotating, bending and inverting postures of yoga our lymphatic system is stimulated.  This improves our immunity and our ability to fight pathogens. 

#11 Improved Joint Health

Yoga helps circulate the synovial fluid inside our joints.  Synovial fluid is the cushioning inside our joints that allows the ends of our bones to smoothly glide over each other with out friction.  Within the joint there is also cartilage which covers the ends of the bones.  The synovial fluid supplies nutrients and oxygen to the cartilage. 

Yoga poses take your joints through a full range of motion.  This helps circulate the synovial fluid which in turn feeds the cartilage and keeps it nourished and healthy. 

Besides all the physical benefits of yoga there are many mental and emotional benefits.   In yoga we are taught to let go of competition and judgment.  We learn to accept ourselves and others for where we are.  We learn to be more mindful on and off our mats.  It is a wonderful form of exercise.  It is something you can do from age 3 to 93. 

I encourage you to start your own yoga practice.  The reason it is called a yoga “practice” because that is what you do.  Constantly practice.  Constantly learn and constantly improve.  You will receive all these amazing benefits of yoga and so much more once you begin.

“Yoga adds years to your life and life to your years.”

beginner's mind photo

Are you ready to get started on your yoga journey.  Receive the free Beginner’s Guide to Yoga & Meditation.  Learn yoga poses and yogic breathing in just 2 minutes a day!

YES!  I want the Guide!

5 Things I learned from Celebrity Trainer – Harley Pasternak

Harley Pasternak

I got the amazing opportunity to meet Harley Pasternak in person this past weekend.  I was so incredibly excited about meeting him.  You could say I was coming out of my skin with excitement and wanted to share it with somebody who would be equally thrilled.  So i called my husband and in my giddy voice I shouted “OMG!  I just met Harley Pasternak!!!”  And he replied with a disappointing “who?”  Hahaha – ok maybe its just a big deal if you are a fitness trainer.

Harley Pasternak is a Celebrity Trainer, Nutritionist and Bestselling author.  He has written 6 books about fitness training and nutrition.  He has worked with many celebrity clients, including: Jennifer Hudson, Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Megan Fox, Bono, Halle Berry, and Ariana Grande to name a few.  He grew up in the Toronto area and I have been a fan of his for many years.  What I love most about Harley’s philosophy on health and fitness is that he always keeps it simple.  He breaks things down into bite-size, do-able steps that makes any goal seem possible.

Recently Harley took a year off of personal training to do research.  He was finding that the abundance of information regarding weight loss was becoming confusing to many of his clients.  In his quest for answers he hired university students to find ALL the research they could (from around the world) about how to become leaner and healthier.  They complied all the research and found that there were 4000 things that you can do to become leaner and healthier.  No wonder we are confused!!  Four thousand things we should do??!!!  Talk about information overload. 

Harley and his team dissected their metadata and narrowed it down to 5 easy, do-able, daily habits that anyone can do in order to achieve a leaner and healthier life.  And I want to share this information with you!

The 5 Things You Need To Do Every Day – According to Harley Pasternak

#1 – Get 10,000 step every day

Harley says we are a society that “over-exercises but is under-active”.  Think about it.  We sit in our cars and drive to work.  We sit at our desks for 8 hours.  We get back in our cars to drive home.  On the way home, we may stop at the gym a couple days a week to push out a super intense workout.  Then, we sit at the dinner table.  Sit and watch tv or look at our computers.  Then we lie down and sleep.  We sit on our butts way too much.  Our bodies are made to move consistently throughout the day, not just for that 30-60 minute workout, 2-3 times per week.  We need to think of ways to move more everyday.

In Harley’s research, he found that the healthiest countries in the world average 10,000 steps per day.  Do you know what the average daily steps are for Canadians and Americans?  Five thousand.  That’s it.  I know many of you who pound out way more than 10,000 steps so kudos to you!  You got step one done.

#2 – Sleep at least 7 hours every night

Ok.  I need to be honest and tell you that this is a mindset I need to change.  I always think that I am being a superhero if I can rock out my day on less sleep.  Sleep in my mind is overrated and honestly, I can sleep when I’m dead so let’s move it!!!  Slowly, I am learning that this is not a good attitude for my health. 

We have all heard the many reasons why we should get enough sleep.  But here is what Harley taught me about sleep that hit home a little more and made me think I need to make sleep a priority.  There are 2 hormones that are affected when we lack sleep: Ghrelin and Leptin.  These are our appetite hormones.  Ghrelin is our appetite increaser and Leptin is our appetite suppressor. 

The role of these hormones is interesting (and perhaps a good topic for another blog) but for now all you need to know is this:  If you are lacking sleep – even if it is just 30 minutes less than you need, you will eat 20% more calories the next day.  What!?!  Seriously, this is a big deal.  Sleeping less makes you eat one-fifth more food and ultimately makes you gain weight.  So, I may be a superhero with less sleep but I will be bursting out of my spandex suit!!  Not exactly a look I am going for.

#3 – Simplify your diet

Harley’s suggestions for eating healthier and becoming leaner are simple.  Instead of making things complicated with calorie counting.  Use your hands as measurements so that you can always see if your portions are correct.  Throughout your day eat 3 meals and 2 snacks. 

Here’s what he says you should include with each of your 3 meals:

  1. Protein – the size of your palm
  2. Fat – the size of your thumb
  3. Vegetables – unlimited amount so eat an abundance
  4. Fibre – the size of your cupped hands

Here’s what he suggests for your 2 snacks:

A combination of any 2 items from the above list.

Simple, easy and do-able.

#4 – Unplug from technology for one hour every day

I don’t think many of us would argue with the fact that we are over-attached to our technology.  I am unreasonably anxious if I forget my phone at home.  You can choose any hour of the day to disconnect.  Perhaps you choose the first hour when you wake up or maybe right after work or during the dinner hour.   Notice how you feel when you purposely unplug.

Harley suggests turning off our technology for the hour before bed.  There is a reason why the sky turns red and orange in the evening.  It is this light that starts preparing our bodies for rest and restoration.  Research is showing that exposure to the blue light from our phones into the evening hours has serious effects on our sleep and general health. 

If unplugging from technology the hour before bed isn’t possible, then try setting your phone to Night Shift to minimize the impact on your sleep.  If you have an iPhone you can scroll up to get your setting screen and hit the button at the bottom that looks like a sun and moon mixed together. 

#5 – Do Resistance Training at least 5 minutes every day

Our bodies are meant to push and pull and exert force through our muscles everyday.  Harley eliminates all the road blocks and excuses by making this completely achievable.  Who can’t set aside 5 minutes per day to pump out a mini workout?  No one.  Harley says that if we have a daily habit of 5 minutes of strength training it makes us more accountable to our goals.

Harley suggests that we should start by focusing on one muscle group per day (i.e. triceps, biceps, chest, shoulders, glutes, hamstrings, quads – you get the idea).  He explained that this daily habit will allow us to burn more calories, lose more body fat, boost our metabolism,  protect our bones, sharpen our focus, manage our pain and chronic conditions and keep us on track with our diets and our goals.

You can always add more time into your day to workout.  But start with 5 minutes and make that consistent.  Remember, exercising is important but it’s also important to MOVE all day long. 

I hope you found these tips helpful.  I know I did.  Let me know if you have any questions or comments. 

If you are looking to add exercise into your daily life and want an easy to follow plan,  check out my Beginner’s Guide to Yoga & Meditation.  Learn basic yoga poses and a simple way to meditate for 2 minutes everyday.  Click here to get the free guide.

Weight Loss Tips: 12 Things That Are Sabotaging Your Goals

weight loss tips

Losing weight can be a frustrating endeavour.  You may feel like you are doing everything right and still not see results.  There are things that can sabotage your efforts.  These little things can be major road blocks on your journey.  Check out this list and make sure you are not losing your weight loss battle to these 12 saboteurs.

#1 Sneaking small bites

Calories add up.  This can be a dangerous habit and it is very easy to do.  Think about how often you finish off what your kids don’t eat.  Or maybe you are a baker and you sample as you go.  How about packing kids lunches and nibbling as you pack?  I read a quote that said “Your stomach is not a waste basket”.  Do not feel like you are letting food go to waste if you don’t eat it.  One way to avoid doing this is by keeping a food journal (because it is so annoying to write down one bite of something) Another way to avoid sneaking bites is to try to be more mindful.  In other words, whenever you eat don’t do anything else.

#2 Relying on processed foods

First of all let’s be clear on what a processed food is.  By definition it is anything that is packaged in a box, can or bag.  There is no doubt that packaged foods vary widely in nutritional quality.  I can buy a “packaged” loaf of bread that is sprouted, organic and made with whole grains or I can buy a loaf of white bread that is stripped of all nutrients and fibre.  Obviously it is important to read the ingredients on any packaged food. 

Processed foods that have gone through a lot of mechanized preparations are stripped of enzymes and fibre (the bran and germ are removed from grains).  Since these are removed, the accompanying nutrients: B vitamins, phytonutrients, antioxidants, phenols, minerals and protein are also removed!  These nutrients are critical for optimal health and disease prevention.

With the enzymes, protein and fibre eliminated, highly processed foods are easily digested.  When less energy is required for digestion, you have a lower calorie burn.  This happens when eating processed foods.   Since the processed food gets assimilated quickly into your body, your satiation fades quickly and you are hungry again shortly after.  In addition, processed foods typically have a higher glycemic index which result in an increase in insulin secretion and weight gain.

Here is a link to an interesting study of Whole food meals versus Processed food meals.

#3 Ingesting artificial sweeteners

Between 1986 and 2010, the number of American adults eating and drinking sugar-free foods and beverages jumped from 78 million to 187 million, according to the Calorie Control Council.  WOW!!  Diet soft drinks are the most popular sugar-free products, followed by non-carbonated soft drinks, gum, and sugar substitutes, according to the organization. 

So many foods are artificially sweetened and we may not even realize it.  Please read the labels before you buy!  Did you know that Bear Paws have artificial sweeteners?  Yep, sorbitol is in the list of ingredients.

Here is what happens when you eat something sweet (sweetened by sugar).  First, your brain releases dopamine, which activates your brain’s reward center. Then Leptin (an appetite-regulating hormone) is released, this informs your brain that you are “full” once a certain amount of calories have been ingested.

However, when you consume something that tastes sweet but doesn’t contain any calories – hello artificial sweeteners – your brain’s pleasure pathway still gets activated by the sweet taste, but there’s nothing to deactivate it, since the calories never arrive. 

Artificial sweeteners basically trick your body into thinking that it’s going to receive sugar (calories), but when the sugar doesn’t come, your body continues to signal that it needs more, which results in carb cravings.

Some studies suggest that artificial sweeteners could raise your blood sugar levels even MORE than if you indulged in sugar-sweetened sodas and desserts!!

Researchers have also found that saccharin (a.k.a. Sweet‘N Low), sucralose (a.k.a. Splenda) and aspartame (a.k.a. NutraSweet and Equal) raised blood sugar levels by dramatically changing the makeup of the gut microorganisms (bacteria).  Artificial sweeteners disrupt your intestinal microflora and this has also been linked to an increased risk in obesity.

#4 Using too many condiments and sauces and dressings. 

These items can be packed with sugar and calories as well as artificial sweeteners.  This is where label reading is important.  Salad dressings can be a huge saboteur.  Try using just oil and vinegar or try this recipe of my hubby’s for a yummy salad dressing:

Corrado’s Salad Dressing (serves one)

3 tsp apple cider vinegar

2 tsp olive oil

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 tsp honey

#5 Not drinking enough water. 

If you don’t drink enough water, you may think you are hungry when you are actually thirsty.  This will lead to increased calorie consumption.   Plus, mild dehydration will reduce your metabolism.  A study in “The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism” from 2003, showed that metabolic rate increases by 30 percent after drinking 2 cups of water.” 

If you feel inexplicably hungry an hour after eating a meal, try having a drink of water or a herbal tea (not black tea or coffee as it doesn’t hydrate you in the same way) and see if the feeling passes.

The goal is to drink 2 litres of water a day (or eight 8-ounce glasses) but please be sure you don’t increase your water intake dramatically in one day or you will never leave the bathroom!!

#6 Not eating enough vegetables

Vegetables are the healthiest, most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.  They are also low calorie and packed with fibre that will fill you and satiate your appetite (reducing your calorie intake).  Without an abundance of vegetables, you will become vitamin and mineral deficient which can slow down your metabolism and decrease energy.  Aim for 10-12 servings of vegetables and fruits per day.  You need more vegetables than fruit.  Use the ratio of 5 vegetables to 1 fruit.

#7 Not eating enough healthy fat

Good fats are vital for your health.  Fat doesn’t make you fat (unless, of course, you are overeating) Every living cell in the body needs fat to absorb nutrients and to rebuild and produce new cells.  Healthy fats give you energy and boost the liver’s function of releasing fat (we need fat to burn fat). Some good choices of fats are coldwater fish, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds, nut butters, coconut oil, chia, olive oil, avocados, and grapeseed oil.  You can aim for  20-35% of your daily calories to come from fat.  Just be aware that fat is very calorie dense and you will need to eat it in the appropriate portion (see tip #9).

#8 Skipping Meals

The longer you wait between meals, the hungrier you get and the more likely you are to overeat.  According to Registered Dietitian Amy Jamieson-Petonic, your blood sugar begins to fall after 3 hours without eating.  After 4 hours you’ve digested everything you ate earlier.  Once you’ve crossed the 5-hour mark, your blood sugar begins to plummet, and you grab whatever you can to refuel.  The longer you go without eating, the poorer the choices you are likely to make.

Eating breakfast is important.  People who regularly eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who skip their morning meal. They also get more nutrients like vitamins D, B12, and A. They may even be more likely to resist food cravings and make better food choices, especially when protein is part of the meal.

#9 Not paying attention to portion sizes

Portion sizes are important.  They differ for men and women.  Click here to go to my most favourite easy to follow guide for “eyeing” portion sizes without measurements. 

#10 Not being prepared

Decide on your meal plan for the week and then shop for that plan.  Not having a plan for lunch and dinner will result in less than healthy choices (hello pizza delivery!).  Also, carry healthy on-the-go snacks with you so that when hunger strikes you are not left with McDonald’s as your only option.

#11 Not working out with enough intensity

Listening to your body is important so that you do not injure yourself.  But you will not see results if you do not push yourself.  Working out should be challenging.  You want to sweat and feel uncomfortable.  You want to feel your muscles burning.  Only you can gauge your level of intensity so don’t cheat yourself.

#12 Using negative self talk

Negative self-talk gets you nowhere.  You may not even be aware of the voices inside your head but you are always talking to yourself.  Take some time and listen to what you are saying to yourself.  It matters!!!  As Henry Ford says: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right”.   Your thoughts become your words; your words become your actions and your actions become your reality.

Click here for a list of positive affirmations on Pinterest

Here’s to feeling good in those skinny jeans 🙂

Jump Start Your Health With Walking

Jump Start Your Health With Walking


Hi!  My name is Glenneth and I am the blogger behind  I am super excited to be here – Thanks, Natasha!!!
A little about me – I am in my mid-40s and live in Knoxville, TN.  I am a holistic health coach and a certified personal trainer.  Six years ago I started walking for fitness and have walked over 150 5Ks since then.  I started out as a true couch potato and I believe that walking is a great exercise if you need somewhere to start.
 I firmly believe that being healthy and fit is different for everyone and you have to find what works for you.
 Looking to get started working out and don’t know where to start?  WALK!
What You’ll Need
  • While you can truly walk in any type of clothing and shoes, I highly recommend some good athletic shoes if you are walking any kind of distance.   Go to a running store and get fitted.  They will be pricey, but trust me – your feet will thank you.
  • A water bottle – it is super important to stay hydrated while working out – especially during the summer heat.
  • A place to walk (see section below)
  • An app or a watch that tracks time and distance (optional).  I currently use an app on my IPhone called Map My Fitness.  I also have an Apple Watch and a Garmin I use sometimes.
Where to Walk
My favorite place to walk is at a local children’s hospital.  They have a .7 mile loop around their building that is close to my house and in a safe neighborhood.  Some places you might consider walking:
  • The gym on a treadmill or track
  • A local school’s track
  • The mall
  • Local greenways
  • Through your neighborhood
Do think about safety – especially if you are walking alone.  I recommend letting someone know where you are walking and when you will return.
How to Get Started
If you haven’t worked out in a while or are completely new to exercise, this is what I start my clients with.  Schedule time three days per week giving yourself a day of rest between each walking day.
  • Day 1 – Walk 10-15 minutes
  • Day 2 – Walk 15-20 minutes
  • Day 3 – Walk 20-25 minutes
By the end of the first week, you are walking 1 mile at a time.  Walk at a comfortable pace.  You should be able to carry on a conversation, but not sing.  Try to find something fairly flat (this is pretty hard in our area) and then work your way up to hills.
Want to train for a 5K?  My Walk Your Way to a 5K ebook is a 6-week program to get you ready for your first 5K.
Thanks for letting me drop by!